Genealogy - Family History
I first got interested in my family's history several years ago when I read some information that one of my cousin's had done on the Willams family. She concentrated mostly on the extended family. When I got started, I concentrated on trying to get back as far as I could on each family name. Some of them I got back pretty far... into the 1700's and some even beyond that. Found some links between ancestors and folks such as Patrick Henry and Daniel Boone. Civil war and Revolutionary war soldiers. It can be frustrating at times. For example, my gggrandfather, Wesley (or maybe Westley) Williams was apparently murdered sometime between 1850 and 1855. I can't find him (for sure) on the 1850 census, and he was dead before the 1860 census. I have been trying to get past that brick wall for years. Probably will never find out who my ggggrandfather was, or where the original Williams ancestor came from. But it is fun to look. A lot of "detective" work involved. Fortunately, the local library has a pretty good genealogy section, and of course there is a lot of information on the Internet. A lot of the Internet stuff has to be verified, but it gives a lot of starting points. I have connected with more than one "cousin" on the Net.
One day I plan to put a Gedcom of my family on the page here.